I feel that Rebecca is really kind and considerate to others feelings, she is professional in her work, she makes you feel you are important. I love how in her meditation therapy classes she will make you feel so relaxed and I always feel more positive in my out look after being to one of her classes totally would recommend Rebecca Mcloughlin . Paula Richardson. March 2021.
I myself have over the last few years been very interested in spirituality, a subject Rebecca is very versed in. About one month ago I decided to join her online meditation & healing sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed & benefited from these sessions. Following this i have now joined her online spiritual awareness sessions. I am very eager to learn more, the sessions cover a variety of topics all related to spirituality. On the sessions Rebecca gives everyone a chance to voice their own thoughts & experiences. You are also free to ask any questions you may have. I find it all very enjoyable & interesting. Rebecca has empathy & understanding, she is a very caring person & makes you feel at ease straight away. I believe the universe has given her this gift to share with us to expand our own gifts, unique talents & qualities which we all have but maybe hidden deep within us. I would thoroughly recommend Rebecca to anyone who is interested in the ethereal. I would give her 5 stars. Diane Sanderson. March 2021.
Rebecca gave me a very uplifting and encouraging reading. While still acknowledging the healing journey I have been on, and continue to be on. She had no hesitation in offering clarification, to any questions I had, and very graciously offered more clarity as we went deeper into the reading. I feel Rebecca is a very honest, empathic, and empowering reader. I would have no hesitation recommending her to anybody who wanted their cards read, and would be confident that they would leave the reading with an honest understanding of the future possibilities, indicated by the cards. Susan Leigh. August 2020.
To Whom It May Concern
This is a testimonial in respect of the ‘alternative therapy services’ provided by Rebecca.
I am the friend and attorney of a woman aged 66 years, who I shall name as K, who has suffered from Parkinson’s Disease since 2012 and Parkinson’s Dementia since 2014.
K is currently placed in a nursing home; she is non-weight bearing and her cognition is severely impaired to the extent that she cannot recognise those who know her well and she cannot communicate in any meaningful way her needs and her wishes; she mouths words and sentences which are rarely appropriate to her situation although on occasion they can be relevant.
In short, K requires significant skill from anyone who wishes to communicate with her and spends much of her day in the nursing home lounge in front of the main television in a chair specially designed for her. She is pliable and exhibits no behaviour issues apart from the agitation associated with the disease and its management which can be extreme and is distressing for those around her but very rarely for K.
Aware of K’s inner needs and with limited time and ability myself I began to look for some ‘therapy’ some two years ago and found a market which was limited, disjointed and very hit and miss. Rebecca was recommended to me by one of the nurses in the home who did shifts at a nearby home and had come across her.
I approached her and found her, from the initial contact, to be professional, caring and skilled in communicating with those with severe impairments.
K is fortunate in being financially secure and, on her behalf, I was able to commission an initial range of 2 hour sessions which have now being extended to three, 2 hour sessions each week.
Whilst I can speak highly of Rebecca’s warmth, empathy and care I want to focus on the fact that, in the sessions with K, Rebecca has consistently been able to draw out K’s previous personality and character traits, which to me, had long disappeared from my interaction with K.
It has been a joy to take part, with her in some of the sessions and I have experienced Rebecca reinterpreting K’s responses in a way that demonstrates to me her ability to get to her real and underlying past personality.
This has helped me in developing my interaction with K to a higher level and I believe that my current relationship with K has been enhanced by my appreciation of Rebecca’s skills and personality.
Through the work with Rebecca, K has been provided with a tablet and a variety of apps which is used and has become a real friend to K.
I have been impressed by Rebecca’s range of skills which are not limited to one or two traditional therapies and by the way that she can pick and choose between therapies combining different approaches to maximise her value for K.
When K is agitated, a regular occurrence due to the medication, Rebecca uses this to help K rather than waiting for it to subside, correctly identifying it as an opportunity for K, largely chairbound, to explode in energy flexing her limbs and engaging in basic exercises.
In conclusion I would recommend her wholeheartedly and I emphasise that K is very fortunate to be able to spend such time in her company.
I am happy to be approached for any further information or detail.
My husband David is 73 years old and has resided in a comfortable nursing home for 5 months. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's nearly 4 years ago which sadly developed into Parkinson's psychosis 8 months ago.
He still retails his quiet friendly personality but his walking is laboured and poor and has very limited communication skills sadly mostly incoherent.
We first encountered the skills of a Reiki Master when I was visiting David and I enquired with Rebecca what treatment she was administering at the time. As I had already read several articles on Reiki which had stated beneficial effects for Parkinson's patients I was quickly very keen for my husband to try it and I asked Rebecca to treat my husband.
Accompanied by soothing tranquil music Rebecca's head and neck massage had an instant positive feedback from my husband. I was astonished as his sentences are usually confused and unintelligible. Without asking David told Rebecca that the treatment had been very good and that he had enjoyed it. When Rebecca asked him questions regarding any sensations or patterns of thought that he had received , yet again he was able to tell her about such patterns and was engaging in clear conversation with her.
I found the consultation very emotional as it has been months since I have seen my husband converse in this way. From the usual head drooping sitting posture with eyes semi closed that is typical of a Parkinson's patient I saw his head more upright and his eyes wide open and he looked alert ..just like he used to be .
Rebecca spent some time extracting calm and coherent conversation from my husband and I found her to be a most friendly, able and approachable Reiki practitioner. I am certain that her treatment has had a positive and beneficial effect on my husband and am happy to recommend Reiki. C. Jan 2020.
I commissioned Rebecca to do a piece of art for me for my work place. It was a very personal and emotional piece that represented something huge for me. I gave Rebecca some background and she intuitively produced a beautiful painting which truly reflected my story. I was blown away by the depth and truth which was carefully reflected in my painting. I am thrilled with the end result and would highly recommend Rebecca’s art work to anyone looking for an individual piece. Love it, thank you so much xx Nicole R. Feb 2021.
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